среда, 4 февраля 2015 г.

Conrad Hilton Charged With Disrupting Flight After Alleged Death Threats, Smoking Pot On Plane

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There are troublesome airline passengers, and then there are those who take bad behavior to whole new heights. Allegedly. According to authorities, Conrad Hilton, the grandson of the Conrad Hilton who started a hotel empire, interfered with flight crew on a British Airways flight. He allegedly spewed death threats, threw punches at crew, called fellow passengers “peasants” and smoked pot and cigarettes in a plane’s bathrooms.

The 20-year-old brother of erstwhile celebutante Paris Hilton was charged with interfering with a flight crew after a trip from London to Los Angeles back on July 31, reports the Associated Press, during which he allegedly made children cry with his death threats and foulmouthed language.

It all started soon after the flight took off, and lasted throughout the entire 10.5-hour flight, according to a 17-page affidavit by an FBI agent.

Hilton wouldn’t keep his seat belt fastened and started pacing the aisle as the aircraft was still ascending, the report said, complaining that another passenger was giving him the “stink eye.” Oh no, not that.

When the flight crew told him to get back in his seat, he allegedly became disruptive and threatened to kill several flight attendants and a co-pilot in a series of rants, threatening to get them fired, the affidavit said.

“I could get you all fired in five minutes. I know your boss,” Hilton allegedly said. “My father will pay this out, he has done it before. Dad paid $300,000 last time.”

It doesn’t stop there: He’s accused of throwing a punch inches from a flight attendant’s head that missed and hit the bulkhead, though the crew member said that while he felt threatened, he didn’t think he wanted to hurt him.

Though a co-pilot was assigned to babysit him, Hilton allegedly ran to a lower deck restroom saying he was upset by a breakup and wanted to smoke marijuana. The odor of pot drifted out of the lavatory soon after, the affidavit said.

When he was confronted about that situation, he allegedly ran upstairs to the upper deck restroom and smoked a cigarette. A paper towel was found stuffed in the smoke detector.

Finally the little tyrant fell asleep, and was handcuffed to his seat for the 90 minutes left in the flight.

Upon landing in Los Angeles he told the FBI agent he was returning from Greece and had taken a sleeping pill in London. The affidavit said he admitted to calling other passengers “peasants” and said he would have killed a flight attendant if another passenger hadn’t been there to talk him down.

“A hundred percent I would have killed him,” Hilton said. Seriously? the FBI agent asked.

“No, but I would have knocked him the (expletive) out.”

He was charged yesterday in U.S. District Court in ankle chains with his hands manacled at his waist. A judge asked if he understood his rights and the charges, which were filed on Monday. He’s facing a prison sentence of up to 20 years if he’s convicted.

He answered “Yes, your honor” after each question, but didn’t enter a plea. He was released on a $100,000 unsecured bond, ordered to appear for arraignment March 5 and told to continue mental health treatment.

Paris Hilton’s brother Conrad charged with disrupting flight [Associated Press]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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