понедельник, 9 февраля 2015 г.

Start Your Week With This Video Of Fired McDonald’s Employee Trashing Kitchen

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trashedmcdonalds Are you unhappy to be back at work after the weekend? Do you dream of running amok in your office and maybe going hog-wild on the printer? We don’t advise that you actually do that, but you can maybe get some vicarious release by watching a fired McDonald’s employee wreak havoc on the eatery that dismissed him.

The following video was uploaded over the weekend and claims to have been shot in a McDonald’s in St. Paul, MN. Between the ranting employee and the astounded onlookers, there is a lot of NSFW language to be heard, so put on some earphones if you’re watching this at a job you don’t want to be fired from.

[via Daily Mail]

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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